Are you looking for a clinical psychologist medico legal expert witness?
Our highly experienced and qualified affiliates are located across the country and all continuing to work online during lockdown.
If it is essential that a person is seen face to face this will be considered and risk assessed appropriately.
In most cases Psychology assessments for civil litigation cases can be well conducted online and this method of assessment provides positives in many cases:
* The client is often more relaxed and has not had to travel (for those with physical limitations and/or travel anxiety this is often appreciated). * Clients do not have to take up to half a day off work or school to attend the appointment.
* There is no need to use public transport, which can feel risky to claimants at the current time.
* There is no need for PPE – masks can make some people anxious and can be hard to talk in especially over prolonged periods (assessments are usually at least 1 hour)
* It is much safer during this time when the NHS is overwhelmed and the new variant is spreading rapidly.
Online assessments are safe, reliable & convenient.
For more information please contact
Stay home, protect our NHS.
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